Soo... The webpage we have been waiting for. This basically contains EVERYTHING you need to know about Finland. I spended 9 days in a surprisingly interesting country with the best tourguides, you can wish for. So if you ever go to Finland tjeck this page, and you are well prepared.
But lets start with the celebration of Finland that Monthy Python wrote. They knew about the wonders of Finland before everyone of us.
Finland, Finland,
the country where I want to be
pony treking or camping or just watching tv
Finland, Finland, Finland
its the country for me
yes, so near to Russia, so far from Japan
quite a long way from Cairo lots of miles from Vietnam
Finland, Finland, Finland
the country where I want to be
eating breakfast or dinner or snack lunch in the hall
Finland, Finland, Finland
Finland has it all,
your so sadly neglected and often ignored
a poor second to belgium, when going abroad
Finland, Finland, Finland
the country where i quite want to be
your mountains so lofty, your tree tops so tall
Finland, Finland, Finland
Finland has it all
all together
Finland, Finland, Finland
the country where i quite want to be
your mountains so lofty, your tree tops so tall
Finland, Finland, Finland
Finland has it all
Finland has it all
Okay... lets get to the pictures!
So this is an example of the women you meet in Finland. Blond and very often drunk. Tuuli and Jenni the guides for the next week.
This is my hotelroom the first days. Actually me and Jenni wanted to make a before (cleaned up) and after (messy) pictures... But you know, like in Thailand, the mess happened way too fast, to ever get a before-picture.
Well a lot of interesting things happened in Helsinki this week, so lets get started...
"The Ylonz" (The beer-run)
The swedish-speaking finnish people at University of Helsinki has this tradition with a beer-contest the week before 1.maj. And of course we wanted to participate. So Tuuli, Jenni and me dressed up (because, thats the tradition, at least Jenni said that). And Jenni had chosen a very interesting disquise for us :)
You can guess yourself... What is the outfit?
Yes... Pregnant women. So basically we were walking around all of Helsinki
looking like this. And I couldn't decide wether it was best, that people
actually thought we were pregnant (doesn't look good with a beer in one hand) or
that people knew, we just dressed up. (No worries boys, we are actually NOT
So lets get the game started. The rules are: You get six hints to six different bars in Helsinki. You have to go to everyone of them, and drink a beer before evening. This way, you get a really good tour around Helsinki (And you get to drink a lot of finish beers :)
I know you are wondering (unless you are from the strange countries of
Finland or Sweden) WHY are these people wearing these over-alls. Are they going
to build something or other dirty work. No no no... This is just the student
tradition. "Lets wear overalls, whenever we are partying together". So guys:
There might be more blond girls in this country, but I don't know how kinky you
will find these overalls.
Strange strange people... But the colors of the overall shows, what you are
studying. (I, myself would have been bordeaux... But I know, that I would have
had serious doubts, when choosing my education, about studying this pink one
instead ;) )
So here we are trying to make a plan how to get to these bars. I of course know nothing at all, because it is my first day in Helsinki. But Tuuli and Jenni is doing a good job.
So this is the first bar. And this is a REALLY cool one. It is inside a tramp? (sporvogn), that is driving around Helsinki. Sadly only in the summertime, but still... I think we could learn something in Denmark.
Bar number 2. We spend a long time finding this hidden one... (And we are drinking Karjala... finnish beer. There is a Formel 1 driver, who is sponsered by this company)
And then another bar. And somehow I got to talk with this guy. (Ari I think). I guess I'm not being so nice to him, but it was very funny. And he even told me he once had a girlfriend somewhere in Copenhagen... I guess I spoiled his image of danish girls :)
The pregnant women entering another bar...
So we made it just in time, all six bars. And then back to the student union.
We've had some beers
Finally some food and Karhu. We are eating "Pyt-i-panna" or biksemad in danish. I guess scandinavian food.
And my first meeting with the shocking finnish culture... The guy, who forgot to wear cloth is on his way to the sauna.
...You want to see more... Hmm okay...
Well girls, I have to think of there reputation. But go to Finland, they are not shy up there.
And then we went to Tuuli and Villes appartment. And of course there was icehockey in the tellivision (spelled wrong?) ..The world championship. Actually Denmark was participating too, and beatet Japan. But when I told the finnish people, they just laughed... Hmpf!