So everything has and end (og en spoleorm har to...)
and sadly it seems like our time here at AIT is ending soon too. No doubt it has
been great fun, and I, at least, will miss it a lot.
But lets not talk about sad things... It is much more fun to talk about the last
party in the Cafe last friday... (Dér kørte bussen, og den kørte stærkt!)
I did not take much pictures of this evening... I think I was not capable of
that, but some other people took with my camera, and this is what I got from the
party... (And of course, the extra picture, which can be seen somewhere else...)
Well... Before anything happened, I went totally Grandma in Future Park. A little color and tjuhej was necessary...
Red stuff and very straight hair. (Man skulle simpelthen ikke stro, at det
var muligt med det garn, jeg render rundt med)
All three of us (Tuuli, Jenni and me) are carrying our valuable tops for tonight...
The party started at Sues place. (And by the way some french people did a nice job putting this stuff together... Thanks for that). But as proper girls, we were all late (But I was not as much as Tuuli and Jenni, who had a little accident...) And here Jean-Baptiste, Conrad and Lari is taking care of the world situation...
French people...
And wauuv! What a laitettava blond babe.... Tuuli is showing the AIT spring collection. (Goes best with a Barcardi Breezer in one hand)
So the french had put together a very funny, nice picture show, but unfortunately there was some technical problems and some frustrations...
But in Finland they know how to deal with frustrations... Korskenkorva!!!! Finnish vodka.... And Ooh Shit! This stuff makes you crazy... I now understand a lot better what happens up there in Finland, that makes them, the way they are...
And the picture show was great, and then...
So after three shots (big shots...) I guess the party started. And someone had an exam the next day (I am not saying who), and apperently forgot all about it...
Pretty stylish, hmm?
And now, someone is probably wondering what "laitettava" means, and before you storm out and call your finnish relatives, I will explain... It means "do-able" but in a very nice, innocent way, more like girl-friend potential or something like that... Right finnish people? ;)
Buckets of course... All you can drink for 150bath...
Night fever, night feever....
Hi Eva.... :)