This page is just going to be a big mess about different things in Thailand. No theme, just stuff.
This picture is taken in my school... And is it just me or should university
students not be able to use a toilet correctly?
Anyway, it can be difficult, and if any of you have some troubles, look carefully
at this picture.
My classmates from my Solar Energy experiment group... And when this picture is taken, the lab supervisor has been doing the experiment for about 1½hour, and I haven't touched anything... So we hang around, take some pictures. The cool thing is, you can get to know these people better, and talk about religion, marriage and cultures. Subject I don't normally just talk with asians about.
Danish butter cookies with pictures of Amalienborg (The place where the Queen lives). Mormor, dine småkager er stadig mine favoritter!
Oh yeah! In Thailand its very cheap to be a real poptøs (popgirl). You pay around 5kr - 10kr for the soda-booze things, and look at this selection! Amazing, hm?
And Thai people can be really strange. They actually drink this stuff. Yrk!!! Some black jelly... And if you don't think that is "bvadr" enough, you can get it drinkable in a can.
And by the way, X-mas is here even though there is 30 degrees everywhere.
ATTENTION!!! This is a very serious warning to every girl entering Thailand.
The chance of getting this very effective Shoe-buying-parasite is very high at
the moment, and as you can see, I am infected. I have bought10 pair of shoes,
shit! What happened?
But fortunately the prices are very low (thank god) 6 pairs of these shoes
costed less than 200bath (33kr)
(But how will I ever bring home ten pair of shoes, and am I really blond under
my dark hair...? Difficult questions)
(And yes, I know the silver ones are a bit ugly, but hey... You
never know when a disco-80-party comes up...)
My new boyfriend. Maybe I bring him home to meet my parents... I hope they will approve.
And when we are at the shopping-corner... This is the Nemo T-shirt i bought for
my niece, Matilde... Cool, right?
And maybe this is just an excuse for bringing a picture of one of my two
favourite nieces...?
She is cute... You wouldn't believe, we have any genes in common...
Probably more to come...