AIT PARTY 15/11-2003

In the evening there was this AIT party, and the Student Union really did a great job to get this together. There was food from all the asian countries and the Midnight Stadium people was there and party later in the Korean House.

Sverre, Andrey and Art were working in the beer place. Nice danish Calrsberg... I had a few of them this night.

ToMy, Philip and Peer hangin' around beer place...

And Conrad is not being loyal to Nice-Danish-Beer. He is drinking Beer Laos. This beer is actually not legal to export from Laos, but the people from Laos apperently pulled it out anyway. Not exactly my kind of beer, but some really liked it.

Night stadium people. We were sending harts to these performing guys acting like 12-years at a Take That concert... But it was fun anyway, and I think they noticed... (Do I sound 12 years old... Pretty much!)

And then I gave Simone my camera for a while... And when I got it back, it was loaded with skin, buts and breasts... I guess my camera is not that innoscent any longer :'(
This is a few of them. In order to keep this informative, very serious webpage at the high intellectual level I had to censure some of the pictures...

Self explaining picture...

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Girls night out?

Somebody is pretty happy about there trophy... Look at these smiles, but congratulations anyway. (And why do they always make the trophys in a way that you cant drink anything from them, that shouldn't be allowed by law. (Hvorfor får jeg flashback til "Tequila Kuppel"..?)

Jamouel... This guy is the Fake-Dane... Half danish half indian or something like that. He actually lived in Nybrogårdkollegiet back in the days, where I am living now (in DK).


Having a great time...

From Russia With Love...

Drinking Carlsberg with Clemens, the other danish guy. Its actually impossible for us to speak danish together, because you never speak danish at Campus. ...I remember I met Clemens and Jamouel on the way home, and we did some danish singing, or was it just me singing...? (Et skønt TV-2 potpourri anyway... Mine damer og herrer, mænd og kvinder som sådan... Pas på derude, Pas på jer selv... Det er blevet forår... Og så fik den vist også lige lidt rædselsfuldt Gnags med Den Dejligste Morgen i Hundrede År...)

And then the party moved to The Korean House... And we did a lot of crazy dancing and stuff. Funny party.

Tuuli and Jenni sharing gossip or something interesting...

7.A Østre Borgerdyd Skole...?
The party ended and somebody cleaned up and somebody had a meeting with a big box of icecubes with the result of Ice Cubes in the underpants...
A warm thank you from Jenni and me for this little intermezzo...

Good night... Zzzzz
